Organic extra virgin olive oil from monocultivar olives "Ogliarola del Bradano" (Bradano is river near Matera), a typycal and exclusive variety of the city of Matera, Basilicata region, Southern Italy.
The evoo has 3 quality certifications: organic, High Italian Quality (I.O.O.) and traceability (UNI EN ISO 22005:2008).
The fruity is green, fine and elegant with smell of grass and artichoke.
The taste remembers the green almond.
The chemical values are very excellent: only 0.1 acidity, only 4 peroxides and, instead, 500 polyphenols.
The evoo is bottled since 2011 but, immediately distinguished itself in international competition. Every year oil wins 9 or 10 prizes (the sign of a constant quality) and it is reviewed in all guide.
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